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Nice to Meet You!

Allison Lindsey holds a Master of Arts degree in Food Studies with a focus on Food Policy from New York University. She has a desire to share her knowledge of the connections between food systems and climate change. Through volunteering at community gardens, researching zero-waste design strategies, leading nutrition workshops for elementary students, and studying food systems policy, Allison is keenly aware of the power that food has in making substantial changes to our world; environmentally, socially, and economically. Allison is passionate about climate-positive food systems and is currently teaching alongside Dr. Marion Nestle at NYU.

In her free time, she loves to maximize her time outdoors, picnic with friends, take photos with her film camera and bike around town stopping to enjoy coffee and lavender lemonades. Reach out! She'd love to connect.

Say hi!: aml1056@nyu.edu

Resume: LinkedIn